Version 2.1 Update Preview: Fishing Gameplay Details

Dear Travelers~ Version 2.1 will introduce the long-awaited Fishing Gameplay. Let's see how it works~


Hold the Cast Rod button to enter aiming mode:
Let go of said button to flick your bait and hook out.

If your hook lands too far from the fish, its ability to attract them will greatly decrease.
If it lands too close by, the fish will be startled and will flee the scene.

When the fish are on the hook, press the Raise Hook button, or the fish might finish eating the bait and flee.


Once you've successfully raised your hook, the fish will start to struggle.
When the fish enters a struggling state, you can hold and release the Fish button to adjust your fishing line tension and keep it in the yellow Ideal Tension Zone.
Fishing progress will only increase if you stay in the Ideal Tension Zone. Otherwise, progress will drop.
Once progress is full, you will have successfully caught this fish.


Fish on the hook will sometimes enter periods of intense struggle. At this time, the speed at which line tension may change will be affected, and the Ideal Tension Zone will turn orange and start to fluctuate slightly.

If your fishing progress hits 0, the fish will try to escape. The Tension Zone will then turn red and start to fluctuate.



There are certain lively and more valuable specimens of each fish species known as Ornamental Fish, and Fishing Areas with such fish at them will have more obvious ripples effects.



That's all for now, but stay tuned for more information in the future, Travelers! See you next time~