Genshin Impact Merch Notice at Anime NYC

Dear Travelers, we regrettably announce that our shipment of merch designated for animeNYC has been held up by customs and only posters will be able to go on sale at the convention.


Therefore, instead of buying merch on-site at the convention, Travelers will have to sign up to pre-purchase the merch. The first 60 Travelers who sign up successively each day will receive a receipt and a Eula poster originally obtained by purchase only. Travelers who have successfully registered will need to leave their email address,to which we will send the link that Travelers can use to purchase their merch online (the specific time will be notified by email in advance). 


1. All shipping cost will be covered by Genshin Impact.
2. The Eula poster gifted will not go on sale.
3. Please save your ticket stub to animeNYC as well as your registration receipt so that we can double check your information.
4. Regarding merch quantity, after the pre-order registration, the number of items that are available for sale will be in accordance with the original sales quantity, so items may be sold out. And due to the limit in inventory, each traveler can only purchase 5 items.
5. The rule for the gift-with-purchase remains unchanged and the gift will be sent to the Traveler's address along with the purchased goods.