May 24 Developers Discussion — Serenitea Pot Load Optimization... Let's Go!

Today Paimon had a chat with the developers~╰(*°▽°*)╯ Let's see what they have in store for us~
Special Message: May 24 Developers Discussion — Serenitea Pot Load Optimization... Let's Go!


Q: Will there be a higher load limit for the Serenitea Pot?
A: Travelers have sent us much feedback regarding the load limit for the Serenitea Pot. Paimon has brought this to the attention of the developers~ (Shhhh! Don't mention it)
In Version 1.6, the developers have increased the load limit of the Serenitea Pot, but the actual load that Travelers can reach will depend on how much your device can support.


Q: The dialogue with the teapot spirit is cumbersome. To get to the Shop, Trust Rank, and Building menus, you have to go through the dialogue again. 
A: The developers are on the case. In Version 1.6, after Travelers have selected an option in the dialogue with Tubby, click return to head back to the previous menu. Travelers will no longer need to repeat the dialogue with Tubby to access other options. The development team is hard at work optimizing the Serenitea Pot experience, so Travelers are welcome to leave feedback in the comments section below~


Q: When will the Serenitea Pot have paved roads?
A: While visiting the developers, Paimon caught a glimpse of paved roads. Paimon also saw the team planning some stones with furnishings floating in the air. After smoothing out some rough edges, Travelers will get to try this feature out for themselves in a future update~ (Shhhh! You didn't hear this from Paimon!)


Q: When will the room on the second floor in the Serenitea Pot open?
A: From Version 1.6 onwards, the room on the second floor in the Serenitea Pot will open for decoration. Don't forget to spruce the place up!


Q: Will characters I own be able to make themselves at home in my realm?
A: There will be more details about the Companion Move-In feature later on. 


Q: It's very inconvenient that I cannot use the Crafting Bench in Co-Op Mode.
A: The Travelers have spoken, and the developers have listened. Improvements to the Crafting Bench Co-Op Mode are coming~
Crafting items at the Crafting Bench in Co-Op Mode will be implemented in Version 1.6~ The unlocking of recipes will be subject to the Traveler's own progress.
If the Traveler crafted while in a friend's world, they will be able to keep the crafted item upon returning to their own world.


Q: Is there a way to locate Co-Op teammates faster?
A: Paimon has you covered! o(^▽^)o In Version 1.6, when a teammate is not within range of the currently displayed map area, a teammate marker will be displayed at the edge of the map. Travelers can click on that marker to quickly locate their teammates.