Weapon Wish Mechanic "Epitomized Path" Details

After the 2.0 update, a special wish mechanism will be added to the Weapon Wish —— Epitomized Path.



*The screenshots are for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the in-game content for actual wishes.

Epitomized Path is a wish mechanic in "Epitome Invocation." Travelers can chart a course towards a specific 5-star promotional weapon they hope to obtain.
·Once you have charted a course towards your chosen weapon, you will obtain 1 Fate Point upon receiving a 5-star weapon that is not the one that you chose. You can obtain a maximum of 2 Fate Points.
·Once you've reached the maximum amount of Fate Points, the next 5-star weapon you choose will be the one you have chosen through Epitomized Path.
·When you obtain the chosen weapon in Epitome Invocation through Epitomized Path, the accumulated Fate Points will be cleared.
·If you do not use Epitomized Path to obtain a weapon, you will not accumulate Fate Points.
·The charted course towards a certain weapon can be changed or cancelled. However, after doing so, any current Fate Points will be cleared.
·At the end of the current period of Epitome Invocation, any current Fate Points will be cleared.


*The screenshots are for illustrative purposes only. Please refer to the in-game content for actual wishes.

Example: The 5-star weapons Skyward Pride and Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds are the promotional weapons of Epitome Invocation.
You chart a course towards Skyward Pride. After wishing, if the first 5-star weapon obtained is Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, you will receive 1 Fate Point. However, if you obtain Skyward Pride after wishing, you will not accumulate any Fate Points.
After charting a course towards Skyward Pride, if the first and second 5-star weapon obtained are Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, and 2 Fate Points are accumulated, the third 5-star weapon obtained is guaranteed to be Skyward Pride.
After Skyward Pride is obtained, the Fate Points will be cleared.
If you have charted a course towards Skyward Pride, and have accumulated Fate Points, those Fate Points will be cleared if you want to change course or cancel altogether.
※ After the Version 2.0 update, core information about wishes can be obtained by clicking on the Details button in the lower left corner of the wish screen.