"Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter" Story Quest Overview

Travelers who reach the required Adventure Rank and complete the prerequisite quests will be able to use a Story Key to unlock Sangonomiya Kokomi's Story Quest Dracaena Somnolenta Chapter.
The Story Quest feature is unlocked at Adventure Rank 26. Story Keys are obtained by completing Daily Commissions (one Story Key is awarded for every eight commissions completed.)

〓Quest Start Time〓
Permanently available after 2021/09/21 18:00:00

〓Quest Unlock Criteria〓
Adventure Rank 40 or above
Complete the Archon Quest Chapter II: Act III - Omnipresence Over Mortals
And complete Raiden Shogun's Story Quest Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I - Reflections of Mortality